The vision of EOSC-Life is an open collaborative digital space for European Life Science, Biological and Medical research, which directly addresses key societal challenges and drives the bio-economy.
Ensuring that European life science research remains competitive and advances the understanding of life and disease requires that research data and digital services are findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable (FAIR), regardless of scientific discipline and national boundary. The FAIR availability of Europe’s life science data is critical to ensuring the reproducibility of biomedical research outcomes, fuelling new scientific disciplines and allowing the output of Europe’s life science research infrastructures to reach their full value and make them sustainable.
In EOSC-Life the 13 Biological and Medical Research Infrastructures in Europe join forces to create an open, collaborative digital space for life science in the European Open Science Cloud. We will do this by publishing our data as FAIR Data Resources, linking reusable tools and workflows to standardised computing services in national life-science clouds, connecting our users across Europe to a single login authentication and resource authorisation system, and developing the data policies needed to preserve and deepen the trust given by research participants and patients volunteering their data and samples.
This means that European scientists will have access to advanced data services, technology platforms, samples and support services throughout the European Research Area, and the resulting data will be openly accessible for reuse through the European Open Science Cloud in full compliance with all ethical, regulatory and legal requirements.
We will achieve this in a user-driven project where open calls for user research will allow our large user community to adopt advanced data management practices and access data integration and large-scale analysis tools in the cloud. The collaborative platform and our inclusive community and capacity building will help to foster data science skills in life-science research.
Our role in this project
Marinetraining will assist with online trainings on Open Science for end users.