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Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering MEng

Master (ISCED 2011 level 7)


Duración 4 semesters
Costo 3,855,000 KRW per semester

Hydromechanics includes branches such as ship resistance and propulsion (studying the resistance and propulsion of ships in sail), hydromechanics calculations (calculating and analyzing hydromechanics problems using computers), ship piloting (studying the motion and control techniques of ships), propeller design/performance analysis (obtaining the optimal propeller design and developing computer programs for analyzing and predicting propeller performance).

Structural Mechanics

Structural mechanics is concerned with the structural design of ships (researching the optimal structures for ships and their components), artificial intelligence structural design engineering (developing new structural design techniques and methods of integrating the techniques into a system), ship noise/oscillation and continuum dynamics (predicting various noise and oscillation phenomena), sensitivity analysis/optimal design (using nonlinear finite methods to analyze structures and collisions).

System Design

Research is conducted in three main areas: automation of ship design (optimization of ship design and design automation techniques), computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), and naval information technology (using computer graphics and computer simulations).

Production Engineering

This area investigates efficiency, technology, and planning in the shipbuilding process using theories and computer simulations.

Ocean Engineering

This area covers ocean engineering (researching the common characteristics of the dynamics of the ocean and offshore facilities), underwater sound (researching underwater sound wave phenomena and underwater robots/equipments), and ocean hydromechanics.

Componentes estructurales
Entrenamiento de embarcaciones
Socios de la industria
Entrenamiento de laboratorio
Trabajo práctico/ de campo
Proyecto de investigación

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Oceanografía física y química
Mecánica y profesiones afines a la metalistería
Ingeniería naval
Construcciones cerca de la costa y en mar abierto
Modelado científico