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BS in Marine Biology

Doctorado (ISCED 2011 nivel 8)


Duración 8 semesters
Costo US $18,566.00 per year

The Marine Sciences Program offers a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology that gives students a strong foundation in structural and evolutionary developmental biology, physiology, organismal diversity, physical oceanography and ecology. Students can take advantage of the diverse marine environments of Florida and the Caribbean to get involved in research in the lab and in the field.

Career Outlook

  • Research scientist
  • Marine environmental technician
  • Educator/communicator
  • Aquarium/zoo employee
  • Nature photographer/illustrator
  • Environmental consultant
  • Marine engineer
  • Marine policy expert/lobbyist
  • Marine veterinarian
Componentes estructurales
Componente internacional
Entrenamiento de laboratorio
Trabajo práctico/ de campo
Proyecto de investigación


First Year Applicant

Ready to take the first step on your FIU journey? From our lush, expansive campus grounds to our nationally-ranked research programs to our diverse student population, there’s a million reasons to choose FIU. We’re creating more opportunities for first year students like you every term. Follow this checklist to apply and if you need help, contact an admissions counselor.

Transfer Applicant

As South Florida’s first and only public research university, FIU welcomes nearly 9,000 transfer students every year. We make it easy for you to transfer through partnerships with other Florida public and community colleges and through campus life programs to get you feeling the Panther spirit. Follow this checklist to apply and if you need help, just contact an admissions counselor.

Categorías CINE (ISCED)

Conservación y gestión ambiental
Oceanografía física y química